Sunday, September 22, 2019

Describe your ideal company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Describe your ideal company - Essay Example Additionally, these steps can assist a potential employee in carrying out self-evaluation to determine their personal needs in the job market. The first stage is known as the self-assessment stage. At this stage, an employee determines his/her preferred skills, the most suitable working conditions expected. Moreover, the employee analyzes the interests and values expected from the job. The second stage involves the employee exploring their options. This step involves exploring occupations and conducting research market. The next phase in career planning involves decision-making. This is the stage whereby an individual evaluates the available information relating to their personal profile and matches them with a suitable market opportunity. At this stage, setting of career goals is also accomplished, and the relevant steps required for achieving the goals are set. The last stage involves taking action by identifying the possible occupations at the disposal of the person seeking employment (Mather, 2011: 18). My ideal workplace would be at Sotheby’s. The company specializes in auctioneering and specialty retail. Additionally, it is a public company trading in the New York Securities Exchange market. The company was founded in the United Kingdom but is currently headquartered in New York City in the United States. However, it has more than 90 divisions in more than 40 countries worldwide. The company’s operations are divided into three lines of businesses namely auction, finance and dealer. The company additionally deals in brokerage of fines, decorative art and jewelry and other collectibles. Due to its diversified business portfolio, Sotheby’s is the largest art business. In reference to the financial report for 2012, the company made sales worth more than $5.8 Billion. In line with Hofstede’s perspective on culture, the company deals with employees of different cultures. However, in an effort to avoid stereotyping

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